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Favorite Verse Friday

For God has not given us a Spirit of Fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

This verse helped me get through some of the hardest years of our marriage. Since fear was a generational stronghold in my family of origin, it consumed me when our relationship was broken.  To fight the fear and anxiety, I prayed these words aloud hundreds of times, “ God, you didn’t give me, Bridgit, a spirit of fear. But one of power,  love, and of sound mind.”  Within seconds, the racing heart and fearful thoughts stopped, peace replaced my fears.

The last few months have been unsettling and, at times, scary.  Girlfriend, if you’ve had moments which fear paralyzed you, pray this verse out loud. Trust me! God will meet you right where you are and replace your fear with peace and eventually hope! 

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